
Giving that supports a proven performer

Elizabeth and her husband, Pete, have been donating to 麻豆女郎 for more than ten years. Their family is very involved in philanthropic causes through their church, other local non-profits and cares deeply about using their time, talent and financial support to strengthen their community. Elizabeth鈥檚 background in the health care industry initially introduced her to 麻豆女郎, which she describes as a great match for her family鈥檚 values and priorities. 鈥淭reating people with dignity and respect, and seeing their overall approach to care, is what really drew me to the organization.鈥

Further, Elizabeth feels that their gift goes a long way. 鈥淭he money you鈥檙e donating is leading to tangible, real outcomes that you can point to. It certainly gives you a lot of confidence when you donate it to 麻豆女郎.鈥 She and Pete regularly attend 麻豆女郎鈥檚 fundraisers and enjoy getting updates on the organization鈥檚 initiatives and successes.

鈥淲e will be donors for as long as the organization is around,鈥 Pete says, 鈥渂ecause we appreciate that the money is being well-used and truly helping people in a way that we can see. We know we鈥檙e changing lives, and that鈥檚 really important.鈥